
CC2 Guide

CC2 Guide for Go Go Muffin

Last updated: 5/3/2025



Welcome to our CC2 Guide Hub. This Guide Hub contains explanations to all new features, content, and important aspects that will impact the player's progression. CC2 has a total of 140 levels, spanning around 2 months in length. This guide is sorted by when each system is unlocked for ease of use. All rift guides unlocked at this Class Change are compiled below.


The beginning of CC2 introduces a guaranteed legendary banner. This banner allows players to summon all of their CC2 Exclusive Skills as legendary without any duplicates (from this same banner). The banner guarantees one legendary skill every 40 pulls, and costs 1000 stellarite for every 10 pulls.
With some consideration, this banner could be valuable to those who have surplus stellarite and are looking for a boost during CC2. This boost can be quite significant, and will have a large impact on damage. Do keep in mind that this investment does not carry across Class Changes, and can be considered ‘temporary’ when compared to other uses, such as purchasing more Artifact Energy/Mount Tickets/Runes/Cat Wood.
As for the cost of this venture, both class changing and the following Paper Plane week provides 50-70 skill summons for use in this banner. This leaves around a 9-11k Stellarite cost for those looking to obtain all legendary skills from this banner.

CC2 Exclusive


Cat Buns, a new progression system, is unlocked at CC2 Level 1 after clearing Main Story 30-2. This system unlocks a new type of pet, the Cat Bun, that provides stats and unique effects to the player.
Initially, a player can only equip one of these pets at a time. As the player summons and levels their Cat Buns, more slots are obtained. (up to a maximum of 4 cats can be equipped). The left-most slot is considered the “main” cat, and is the only cat with their unique effect active.
Cat Buns are divided by their generation. The higher the generation, the higher the stats provided. A Cat Bun’s Generation also affects the type of skills they obtain.
These pets are obtainable from “baking” (summoning) in the oven. To bake, the player needs to use “Cat Wood”, 300 of which is given to the player every day on server reset.
We recommend players to buy this resource (Cat Wood) 4x a day, to aid in progressing the Bakery. After the bakery reaches level 7, adjust to your needs.

Catbun Main

For a more in-depth explanation of this system, our recommendations, and more, check out or Cat Bun Guide here.

Catbun Guide

Catbun Guide


The newest dragon on the block, Chaos Seal Dragon, is unlocked immediately after Class Changing. This dragon's main mechanic is a move that was first introduced by it's 'Echoes of War' counterpart, aptly named 'Multi Chaos Infusion'.

Multi Chaos Infusion

2 Random Targets are marked, signified by smoke surrounding their character. After a few seconds, players marked explode dealing sector-wide AoE damage. The smoke will then reapply to 2 random targets once more before ending.
The goal during this mechanic is to have the players marked go into an empty sector, so that the explosion wont hit anyone else in the team.
To deal with this mechanic properly, we recommend everyone to all stay in one sector. Once a player is marked, they should move to one of two empty sectors so the explosion does not hit anyone else.
The players marked should be on separate empty sectors as getting hit with both AoEs deals increased damage, and can easily wipe both players and anyone in the same space.
This mechanic gets a little trickier when introducing Black Tail Sweep, a move that covers ⅔ sectors. We recommend those marked to tank this attack instead of grouping towards the safe area, as while Black Tail Sweep can deal massive damage, the alternative would be grouping up with the party resulting in a wipe.

Multi Chaos Infusion


This class change introduces two new legendary equipment sets, the Shiver and the Deeprock set. We will be introducing the Shiver set first as it becomes available at CC2 Level 20.

Shiver Set

The Shiver set provides large ATK bonuses through its set effects, conditional based on whether the player character currently has a shield active.
The Shiver set contains 3 Craftable Legendary Equipment: The Weapon, Torso, and Gloves.

Set Effect
2/6 Increase ATK by 13%
4/6 Every 15s, gain a shield equal to 10% of your max hp, shield lasting 4s.
6/6 Each time a shield is gained, increase atk by 20% for 10s

From the set effects above, we don’t recommend going for the 6/6 bonus set effect as the increase is extremely marginal (0.2% attack) with an inconsistent uptime compared to running 2/6 icicle. The player's goal is to swap over to a combination of 4/6 Shiver + 2/6 icicle for maximum attack.
We advise the player to swap their Helmet and Torso immediately for the 2/6 attack set bonus. The Gloves/Bracer should be swapped once it reaches T5 advancement, and the weapon swapped at T10 advancement.
Weapon and Helmet Crystals become available at the CC2 level 20 rift onward. Torso Crystals become available at the CC2 level 35 rift

Deeprock Set

The Blackrock set becomes available at CC2 Level 70, and provides an attack% and mastery% increase, while applying a debuff that decreases the enemy's damage.
The Blackrock set provides 6 Craftable Legendary Equipment: The Weapon, Helmet, Torso, Gloves, Greaves, and Boots.

Set Effect
2/6 Increase ATK by 14%
4/6 Dealing a Critical hit reduces the enemies damage dealt to the player by 6% for 4s
6/6 Dealing a Critical hit or providing Critical Healing increases Mastery by 15% for 4s

As this set provides a complete set of legendary equipment, it allows the player to run 6/6 Blackrock optimally.
We advise the player to swap their Weapon and Gloves at T5 advancement to activate the 2/2/2 set (2 icicle, 2 shiver, 2 Blackrock) as it provides the highest attack increase at this stage in progression.
The next set of equipment that should be swapped are the Pants and the Boots for 4/6 blackrock + 2/6 shiver, unlocked at CC2 Level 85
Last but not least, the last 3 crystals are obtainable at CC2 Level 100, completing the set and unlocking the 6/6 blackrock set bonus.
Weapon and Greaves Crystals become available at the CC2 level 70 rift onward. Boot Crystals become available at the CC2 level 85 rift onward. Helmet, Torso, and Gloves Crystals become available at the CC2 Level 100 rift.


A new artifact zone unlocks when the player reaches CC2 level 21. This new region introduces some high value +9 artifact bonds that should be prioritized after obtaining bond level 6 on all relics.
Below are the bonds we recommend players to obtain first:

Class Artifact Bond
DPS/Healer Traveler’s Guide +9
Dmg Dealt 2%, Healing Effect 2%

Under the Legend +9
Dmg Dealt 2%, Healing Effect 2%
Tank General’s Treasure +9
Mastery 2%, Endurance 1%

Amidst the Void +9
Mastery 2%, Endurance 1%
General Mind Voyage
Haste 2%, Evasion 1%


Once the player reaches CC2 Level 30, Mythic-Tier Melomon moves are unlocked. These Mythic Melomon moves are obtainable by upgrading Legendary Melomon moves with the Mythic Upgrade Material known as "Imagined Reality" (IR for short).
Imagined Reality can be obtained as a bonus by using 1500 runes. One Imagined Reality restores on reset,, and these bonus claims can be stored up to 7 times. (Similar to how expedition keys are stored). Upon unlock, the system will have 7 Imagined Reality ready to be claimed. The system also sends the player 10 Imagine Reality through the mail.
IR has two applications. It can be used to upgrade a level 40 legendary melomon move to mythic, increasing the move's level cap to 60 and increasing its stat increase per level. This process costs 10 Imagined Reality per upgrade, and can be refunded at any time.
IR can be used as experience, providing as much as 5 legendary pet exp per 1 used. Take note that this process "consumes" the IR and does not get refunded when used as experience.

Mythic Move

Optimal Imagined Reality Usage

To preface, without using IR as an experience source, hitting level 40 on a legendary move would prove difficult. Furthermore, using 10 IR as an experience to boost a move to level 40 will provide more stats when compared to using 10 IR to upgrade a legendary move to mythic. Do not be afraid to use them as experience.
Our recommended progression points, as it stands, should be to:

  • Level all Pet moves to 25.
    This unlocks a crucial resonance bonus that reduces the Melomon's 'Awakening' Cooldown by 5s.

  • Level all 3 slots of the Offensive/Defensive Pet Moves to 40.
    Offensive Slots for the DPS role, often equipped with the CDMG pet move.
    Defensive Slots for the Healers and Tanks, improving healing effect or defensive stats respectively.

  • Level the rest of the moves to 30.
    This provides the most stats per exp used (if all moves are legendary). Leveling these Moves to 30 activate the next Melomon resonance, increasing the scaling of the Melomon and the stats they provide to the player.

  • Upgrade the 3 Level 40 Offensive/Defensive Pet Moves to Mythic.

  • Level all 3 mythic moves to 60.

  • Level the rest of the moves to 40.
    This provides the most stat per exp used (if all moves are legendary). Leveling these Moves to 30 activate the next Melomon resonance, increasing the scaling of the Melomon and the stats they provide to the player.


A new generation of mounts is unlocked upon reaching CC2 Level 38.
This new generation introduces 4 new mounts. The Husky, the Walking Sparrow, the Vehicle Mark 3, and Rainbow. These new Mounts provide different skills and higher base stats when compared to the previous generation.
Below is a table detailing their Skills.

Mount Stat Provided Skill Description
Husky Haste & Tenacity Increases the damage enemies take from you by x% + x. Every 0.25s, randomly increase the damage taken by a single target by x% for 2s. This effect lasts 30s.
Rainbow Crit & Endurance Increases the character’s ATK by x% + x and Mastery by x%. This effect lasts 30s
Walking Sparrow Mastery & Block Increase the DMG dealt by x% + x%. Every 6s, gain a shield equivalent to x% of the player’s max hp. This effect lasts 30s.
Vehicle Mark 3 Determination & Evasion Deals DMG equal to x% ATK + x to enemies. If only one enemy is affected, the DMG is further increased by x%.

We recommend swapping out generation 1 mounts as soon as possible, but exceptions may apply. One of the exceptions is when a player's previous main mount is star gold 1, having 3 stickers slots unlocked. Depending on the status and ranks of the stickers, it is beneficial to stick with the older mount until the next generation reaches purple star 1.
For their main skills, we recommend using the husky for dps, sparrow for tanks, and the unicorn for healers.

Generation 2 Mount


Reaching CC2 level 40 updates the rift shop, adding two new permanent items. Purple EXP and Imagined Reality. The rift shop provides 4 total imagined Reality per week. The shop updates when the player reaches and unlocks a new rift, providing a source of equipment crystals.
We recommend prioritizing the Stellarite, The Star Selection Packs (Skill Summons), and the Imagined Reality. Next, pick up the corresponding crystals for the current armor set. Last but not least, obtain the Gear Upgrade Stones and Star EXP last.

CC2 Rift Shop


The second dragon the player will encounter during CC2, and is unlocked at CC2 Level 61. This dragon will take a bit to get the hang of, as it requires the whole party's coordination.

Holy Judgement - Single/Double/Triple

The boss calls down a meteor, hitting an area after a few seconds. The area with the meteor spawns a graphic containing 1-3 circles. These circles indicate how many players should stand within that area.1 circle = 1 player.
This attack's coverage will scale, increasing in meteors based on the boss' hp. (Maximum of 3, 1 per sector).
When successful, the players in the area will take a small amount of damage. When unsuccessful, all players will take massive damage.

Holy Judgement

General Strategy

A simple way to coordinate the team would be to split the party into 2s, (2/2/2) having 2 players stay at each sector. Between these two players, one should be designated to stay and one should be designated to move to fulfill the bosses' mechanics.
Each meteor can have between 1-3 circles. As an example, if there is a 3 circle meteor within the neighboring area, the designated mover will move to fulfill slots. If there is a 1 circle meteor within your own sector, the designated mover should move out of the area.


A new artifact zone unlocks when the player reaches CC2 level 69. This region has lower than average efficacy in terms of stat per level and artifact bonds. We recommend focusing on unlocking previous +9 artifact bonds after unlocking all of this region’s +6 artifact bonds.
Below is a list of suggestions once the player has obtained all previous high priority +9 artifact bonds.

Class Artifact Bond
DPS/Healer Handful of Money +9
DMG 1%, DMG RES 1%, Healing Effect 1%
Tank Insatiable Lust +9
Mastery 1%, Endurance 0.5%


Arena of Nine Kings

Unlocked: CC2 Level 1
Gear: Level 165 Icicle Set
Crystal: Weapon, Pants, Boots

Recommended Skills
DPS: Dispel
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: -

The arena is split into three. The move "Raging Storm" throws AoEs randomly at the split sectors periodically. The party should aim to dodge these AoEs and regroup after every "Raging Storm", in anticipation for the move "Fatal Cage". This attack targets one player and locks them down in one sector, and after a few seconds, deals massive damage. This move is deadly when taken alone, but its damage can be spread to members in the same sector. The Tank is recommended to Banner during this attack.
The DPS will need to dispel the "Beast King's Frenzy". This buff makes the boss deal significantly more damage. Caution is advised. During the burst check "Decisive Hammer Blow", one of 3 sectors glows gold and provides a massive damage boost. We recommend keeping an eye out and moving when needed.
The Tanks are recommended to Shield the "Star Hammer Strike". This attack deals massive single target damage and can potentially one-shot when unprepared.

Rampage in the Valley

Unlocked: CC2 Level 20
Gear: Level 185 Terror Set
Crystal: Weapon, Helmet

Recommended Skills
DPS: Interrupt x2
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: Shield

We recommend both dps to bring interrupt as a majority of the boss’ moves can be interrupted. When not interrupted, the boss’ attacks gain power over time, which will lead to a party wipe.
Both Tank and DPS should time their Banner/Divine Shield for the move “Fire Breathing” as it deals massive AoE damage.

Hill of Restless Oasis

Unlocked: CC2 Level 35
Gear: Level 200 Terror Set
Crystal: Weapon, Helmet, Torso

Recommended Skills
DPS: Interrupt
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: Cleanse

The DPS will need to interrupt the move ‘Toxic Storm’ as it applies DoTs to the whole team over a period of time. When this DoT is allowed to stack, it will deal massive sustained damage. Interrupting Toxic Storm also allows the players to see the invisible minions spawned by the boss, allowing the party to clear them out.
The Tanks should save their shield for the move ‘The Dragon Devours’ as it deals massive single target damage.
The healers should bring cleanse to deal with the stacking DoT as it can be deadly even when interrupted early.

Pulse of the Sand Abyss

Unlocked: CC2 Level 50
Gear: Level 215 Terror Set
Crystal: Weapon, Helmet, Torso

Recommended Skills
DPS: -
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: Divine Healing

This boss has a special mechanic, a bar that fills over time that enhances its moves. When the bar is filled, the boss will automatically wipe the team. To prevent this, the bar can be reset by destroying one of two horns attached to the boss. Be warned that destroying the horns too early or too late will allow the boss to wipe the party.

The DPS are recommended to leave the horns at half hp before targeting the main body. DPS should destroy a horn once the bar fills past the face.
The Tanks should save their shield for the move "Ascension" as it deals massive single target damage.
The Healers will need to use Divine Healing during “Great Earthquake” as it deals massive AoE damage over time.

Lumberyard Ablaze

Unlocked: CC2 Level 70
Gear: Level 235 Deeprock Set
Crystal: Weapon, Pants

Recommended Skills
DPS: Interrupt
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: -

Every attack this boss deals will apply a debuff DoT that deals damage over time. This debuff cannot be normally cleansed by healers. A fruit will spawn in the arena that the players can click, that will cleanse the affliction. We recommend consuming a plant once above 10 stacks.
DPS will need to interrupt the move "Great Whirlwind", as it can apply massive amounts of the aforementioned DoT and will wipe the team if not interrupted.
Tanks should save their taunts for when the boss initiates "Saw at Full Strength" as it jumps towards the other party members.

Battle of the Construct Factory

Unlocked: CC2 Level 85
Gear:Level 255 Deeprock Set
Crystal: Weapon, Pants, Boots

Recommended Skills
DPS: -
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: -

This rift's main mechanic is "Pinpoint Purge", which targets a random dps/healer and drops 3 consecutive bombs in a row. These bombs inflict a lingering area of effect and the party must be in constant move to avoid burning. Players are recommended to move opposite the direction of their tank, to avoid having the party wiped by the flamethrower.
Tanks should be on a separate sector from the others to redirect the move ‘Flamethrower’ away from the party. The Tanks must save their shield for the move "Forced Wipeout" as it will oneshot the tank without it.

Burning Tower of Eternity

Unlocked: CC2 Level 100
Gear: Level 295 Deeprock Set
Crystal: Weapon, Pants, Boots, Torso, Gloves, Helmet

Recommended Skills
DPS: -
Tank: Banner, Shield, Taunt
Healer: Divine Healing

This rift have two Phases which a lot of moves to watch out for, from Interrupt, Cleanse, Move, Group Up, Split by 2, to Healing Overflow. But in reality, the boss HP is so low that this rift is actually the easiest since you are going to skip a lot of moves with decent DPS. It's recommended to go full DPS even as a Tank role, and running 3 DPS/1 Healer comp, even 4 DPS is possible but can wipe if the boss have bad RNG move.
During Phase 1, the only mechanics that truly matter are the puddle left behind by "Darkness Stab" and the Tankbuster ("Dark Dance"). However, with a well-geared tank, even a DPS-focused setup can safely ignore these mechanics. Additionally, the boss has an interruptible move called Dark Reap and a cleansable DoT called Dark Imprint, but these appear so rarely that they hardly impact the fight. If the fight go for too long, the boss might cast a move called "Blot out the Sky" which requires everyone to go to the assigned safe sector. Once the boss reaches one HP bar, it will trigger a cutscene transition into Phase 2.
In Phase 2, the most dangerous mechanics are "Annihilation Blade", which requires all players to stack together, and "Crimson Moon Blade", which demands Divine Healing to survive. The boss may also cast Direnight Slash, but this can be avoided by moving to the safe sector. If the fight goes for too long, the boss might start casting moves like "Malevolent Moon" that requires split group by 2.

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